And yeah, I've started playing this game and became more amateur in beating another shooter person. but well, you need to know, however you think you pros, there are more than you. more powerful, more speed, more competable, more accurate, more non-lenient in order to make us down. what i really mean is, to get you back respawn. well, that is gaming.
and now i am back. back in this 2013 year date at october try to sharping back my move with my new profile. once my character were named as Vaynes26, HighstoneOX, BlueStoneDropper, WaynerWeiller. n you all know what? i forgot the all things. clearly the profile password which i really forgotten. now Im officially with new built character, i named it as StoneOX only. back to the glory. i choosed the speed character instead of defending ability character.
because i love to gamble gentle to tank the front row of suicide mission. care of what? we'll be back respawning after being killed in the places. so afraid of nothing to be tankers and gentle to pull the trigger of weapon we purchased at closer distance. if you afraid to get killed, well, you need to purchase one more thing what i usual do, buy the gear. to protect yourself from getting early killed.
that is what I really love to do.
so , i am now back with blackshot. anybody love to play along with me, just type ZakryStrike at garena plus to lead you to my garena account. and my blackshot character is StoneOX.
enough writting till here.
see ya.