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please LEAVE your blog's link for me walk in and follow you back at the SHOUTBOX ok.. tq a lot..
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Demi XFM radio No.1 anda.

Demi XFM radio No.1 anda.

this blog owner by malaysian people.

this blog owner by malaysian people.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

people's routine vs MY daily routine


- *day*
1) woke up and went to work.
2) flirting with crush
3) messaging.
4) call
5) everything they could.


1) sleep
2) sleep cont.
3) sleep
4) sleep again.
5) rest.



1) sleep
2) sleep cont.
3) sleep
4) sleep again.
5) rest.

1) work
2) work out
3) sell the burger.
4) live with sweat to get money.
5) work.

*no differences.

what's ur daily routine?


Leave your footstep!!
